This 4.06-minute film is the second short film of Joaquin Baldwin, a young animator born on 21 February 1983 in Asunción, Paraguay. Stylistically, Sebastian's Voodoo is at odds with his other two sentimental shorts, the preceding Papiroflexia (2007) and subsequent The Windmill Farmer (2010), but an underlying view of the world is nevertheless apparent.
Born to an "environmental activist" mother and artist father, Baldwin began experimenting with computer graphics at the age of 15; at 19, in 2002, he came to the US to study as Columbus College of Art & Design, in Columbus, Ohio, quickly changing his major from graphics to animation. Baldwin moved to LA thereafter, and in 2010 received his MFA in animation from UCLA.
He currently lives in Los Angeles where he works for Disney and does an occasional short.