Bendito Machine is the name of this month's Short Film, the 2006 winner of the Aniboom Awards. The Flash animation film is by Jossie Malis, an illustrator and animator currently living in Barcelona.
Born in Peru to Peruvian-Chilean parents, he moved to Santiago de Chile in the 80s, where he graduated high school and went on to study advertising and graphic arts. He followed that with some additional studies at the NYFA in NYC, before moving on to Barcelona, where he completed his Masters in Stop Motion Animation at 9zeros, a Catalonian school of animation. He still lives in Barcelona, busy as a bee with all sorts of projects. His website, Zumbakamera, is full of interesting illustrations and films — including Bendito Machine II (2008) and Bendito Machine III (2009) — and is well worth a long perusal. The guy either takes some good drugs or he is truly creative, maybe both.
A fan of animated film since he saw his first one at the age of four, his product that which is indefinitely international in nature and look with that which shows echoes of the indigenous art of South America — take a wild guess where Bendito Machine fits in.
I suppose I could do a write up about Bendito Machine, but the fact of the matter is someone already did one which is much better than anything I would probably write. Namely Andrew S. Allen, at his great short film website, Short Film of the Week.
On March 31, 2007, Andrew S. Allen had the following to say about Bendito Machine: "Jossie Malis uses a powerful, graphic animation style to tell the story of human evolution and its effects on religion and industry. A small, prosperous village is overtaken by a more powerful tribe with methods for more efficient and more enjoyable living. All told in a limited space with an extremely limited palate, this short uses simple techniques to tell a much bigger story. Painstakingly animated entirely in Flash, Bendito Machine avoids the usual pitfalls of Flash animation. Malis’s animation feels incredibly organic — supported by well-crafted sound effects. […]"
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